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Need a book recommendation?

   we are all completely                                                                 beside ourselves



There's little I can say without giving away one of the first little secrets, but, I can tell you that this novel is for those who love chimpanzees and exploring our common ground with them. In this winner of the 2014 PENN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, mystery unfolds and avalanches around you in a symphonic cascade while effectively unraveling the complexities of cohabitation, animal testing, human psychology in relationships, and the morphing of memory over time. For all the monkey business involved, the quote below is serious and absolutely epic.

A quote by Karen Joy (nice name) Fowler:

" 'Do unto others' is an unnatural, inhuman behavior. You can understand why so many churches and churchgoers say it, but so few achieve it. It goes against something fundamental in our natures. And this, then, is the human tragedy - that the common humanity we share is fundamentally based on the denial of a common shared humanity."

We Are Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler
The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

The Rosie Project


#randomweeklybookreview I fell head-over-heels for this book. It's definitely a rom-com, but in the most unusual way. The whole premise is of a male scientist who constructs a research experiment to find the perfect wife and then, of course, falls in love with the most unexpected candidate. There isn't enough widespread discussion about people on the autism spectrum (even though 1 in 68 have ASD) and this book presents a solid perspective with the added grace of romance and comedic language. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

An excerpt by Graeme Simsion:

"I haven't changed my mind. That's the point! I want to spend my life with you even though it's totally irrational. And you have short earlobes. Socially and genetically there's no reason for me to be attracted to you. The only logical conclusion is that I must be in love with you."


(aeroflot airline)


#randomweeklybookreview This one flies under the radar sometimes and gets taken for granted often but truly, a captivating read. It's definitely high on the most-read lists and miles above its competitors in its compact ability to impact. I find it a necessary read. It might even save your life. 

A quote from the book: "if this exit can not be opened, move to another one. Leave the plane and run away from the plane."

Good stuff.

The Widow by Jean Taylor

The Widow


#randomweeklybookreview This book is creepy. It's captivating, without a doubt, but definitely makes your skin crawl as it takes a closer look at child kidnapping and those behind it. It gets even harder to read when the main character finds out the man she's lived with for years may have hidden certain...elements of his character (or lack of). You'll be surprised by the solution to this mystery but it's a dark and twisty road the whole way there and it'll definitely leave you with that "bugs-under-the-skin" feeling. Overall, a tepid read. 

An excerpt by #FionaBarton

"You see, my husband died last week. Knocked down by a bus just outside Sainsbury's. Everyone was very kind and trying to stop me from seeing his body, but I couldn't tell them I was glad he was gone. No more of his nonsense."

The Widow


#randomweeklybookreview This book is creepy. It's captivating, without a doubt, but definitely makes your skin crawl as it takes a closer look at child kidnapping and those behind it. It gets even harder to read when the main character finds out the man she's lived with for years may have hidden certain...elements of his character (or lack of). You'll be surprised by the solution to this mystery but it's a dark and twisty road the whole way there and it'll definitely leave you with that "bugs-under-the-skin" feeling. Overall, a tepid read. 

An excerpt by #FionaBarton

"You see, my husband died last week. Knocked down by a bus just outside Sainsbury's. Everyone was very kind and trying to stop me from seeing his body, but I couldn't tell them I was glad he was gone. No more of his nonsense."

A Man Called OvE


#randomweeklybookreview A hot soup kinda read 🍵
This is my favorite book of all time and I truly don't know if I've ever been quite so comforted and enamored by words before, which is saying something. The writing style is subtle yet hilarious, in a way that makes routine moments into caricatures. I laughed and cried semi-openly on the subway and didn't really mind because it would've been a disservice to the novel had I not done so.

Overall, a man called Ove makes you realize who you'd like to be.

An excerpt by #FredrikBackman:

"And when she did finally turn up, in a long floral-printed skirt and a cardigan so red that it made Ove shift his weight from his right foot to his left, he decided that maybe her inability to be on time was not the most important thing.

But if anyone had asked, he would have told them that he never lived before he met her. And not after either."
#bookblog #bookreview #bok #boktips

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backma
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

The Girl on

the Train


This scintillating read premieres in theaters TODAY ⚡️ #randomweeklybookreview -
This book takes you for a psychologically thrilling ride. I began thinking I would get sick of the main character's obsessive and almost pitiful nature and yet, with every sentence that passes you become just as enraptured and compulsed to unravel the stories as she is. There are dirty secrets, ex-lovers, addictions, and, my favorite, fragmented memories. A true murder mystery, now starring #EmilyBlunt. My friend headed the gore makeup production and he says its undeniably worth the hype. I'll see you at the premiere.

An excerpt by #PaulaHawkins:

"The beach is deserted, and it’s so cold, I have to clench my jaw to stop my teeth chattering.
I walk quickly along the shingle, past the beach huts, so pretty in daylight but now sinister, each one of them a hiding place. When the wind picks up they come alive, their wooden boards creaking against one another, and under the sound of the sea there are murmurs of movement: someone or something, coming closer." #fridayreads #bestbookever #read

The GoldFinch

The Goldfinch by Donna Tart
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

The Girl with

The Dragon TaTToo


#randomweeklybookreview (the whole series -because it's that scorching of a read) ⚡️#reading #book Be prepared to lose yourself in an epic thrill, rooting for the epitome of clever intellect and superhero strength and forgetting all prior obligations. Also, disregard any hesitations you may have about the 4th novel because #DavidLagercrantz does a spot-on job covering it. So, choose a comfy seat because once you open the first book, you're stuck until you've gone through the others. Don't worry. You didn't like your job that much anyway.

An excerpt by #StiegLarsson:

"One more thing." She leaned forward again so that her face was only a couple of inches from his. "If you ever touch me again I will kill you. And that's a promise." Bjurman absolutely believed her. There was not a vestige of bluff in her eyes.
"Keep it in mind that I'm crazy, won't you?" He nodded.
She gave him a thoughtful look.

"I don't think you and I are going to be good friends."

The Life Changing MAgic of Tidying Up


#randomweeklybookreview - a hawte read 💥 - So I may not be entirely organized right now BUT #thelifechangingmagicoftidyingup will get me there. The main summation is that you go through your house and get rid of the possessions that no longer bring you joy - or feel that little spark of pride or warmth when you touch something you own that you really love. In this manner, Kondo encourages us to learn more about ourselves, what we truly need, and how to better find this by only surrounding ourselves with the items that make us who we are. I highly recommend but would like to add that Goodwill and Salvation Army should be substituted for the trash. :)
#tidying #read #Fridayreads #bookblog A quote by #mariekondo
“As for you, pour your time and passion into what brings you the most joy, your mission in life. I am convinced that putting your house in order will help you find the mission that speaks to your heart. Life truly begins after you have put your house in order."

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Dog Run Moon by Callan Wink





#randomweeklybookreview - Dog Run Moon by Callan Wink - 🔥a hawt read - They say good writing is showing rather than telling. I never noticed this as evidently as I did reading this novel. The descriptions were so vivid and perfectly worded that I had sharp mental images barraging my senses as I read. If you want a sensorily captivating read that delves into the human condition, you've found your next paperbound companion. #reading #book #dogrunmoon A quote by #CallanWink:
"The small oblong little organ of fear under Sid's sternum pulsed each time his feet slapped the rock. The moon overhead was a lopsided and misshapen orb that at any moment might lose its tenuous position and break upon the rocks. That might be a good thing. A landscape of blackness into which he could melt."

All the Birds in the Sky


#randomweeklybookreview - All The Birds in the Sky - 🌶 a hawt read. Not your usual apocalyptic fiction novel, this book involves witchcraft, talking trees, world-destroying telekinesis machines, a riddle to save the world, and yes, birds in the sky. The cherry on top is the phrasing, and the way metaphors and ideas you've seen a thousand times are totally reworked into speech so unique it makes you dogear every page. If you want to turn your perspective of the world katywompus for a while, flip that cover open. #nationalbookloversday #read#book #bookstagram #bookreview #scifi#fiction


A quote by author #charliejaneanders 

"The smoke machine belched horrible candy-floss-scented smog, while the lights lurched into epilepsy-inducing configurations. The line to vomit in the bathroom was starting to resemble that famous photo of the bedraggled masses evacuating Seoul on foot."

All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

director, songwriter, feminist

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